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Ocga section 34-8-190(c) Form: What You Should Know

B) — Required information.  § 34-8-180(c) — Written statement. § 34-8-191 — Separation notice and request for review of record required. § 34-8-193(g) — Waiver; suspension of benefits; appeal from refusal to submit required information § 34-8-193(h) — Appeal from notice of refusal to request review from review hearing § 34-8-193(j) — Mandatory suspension of benefits pending completion of review of  record. § 34-8-194(a) — Records to be forwarded.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Ocga section 34-8-190(c)

Instructions and Help about Ocga section 34-8-190(c)

Working off the clock is a direct violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. There are several laws within the Act that protect workers from being deprived of wages for overtime and off the clock hours. The standard work week is 40 hours, but sometimes jobs require working more than that and the company can require employees to work those additional hours. However, the company must pay the employee for working those extra hours. There are no laws in this country, except for very young workers, that protect against having to work long hours. The laws we have focus on how employees must be compensated for those hours. For example, if you work as a server in a restaurant and your employer asks you to work seven days a week, it is not inherently wrong, but the employer would have to compensate you for any time over the minimum hours. If you are employed in any capacity, you must be paid not only for your regular hours but also time and a half for any hours worked over 40. This applies to both hourly and salaried employees, unless your duties as a salaried employee fall under specific exceptions, which are rare. Misclassification of employees is a common issue, as many people believe that being salaried means they are not entitled to overtime. However, this is not true. Another common situation involves companies avoiding employment taxes by classifying workers as independent contractors. There are multiple ways to determine whether or not you are entitled to overtime compensation, such as communicating with your employer's HR department to find out how you are classified. Overtime claims can typically reach back two to three years, and if the violation is considered willful, you may be able to recapture that compensation. It is important to seek legal assistance...